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Organizational communication in higher education institutions: An analysis of benefits and challenges in a systematic literature review

Claudiana Aparecida e Silva Noro

Cassiana Maris Lima Cruz

Andressa Excarliti Kleber



This study highlights the importance of organizational communication in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the face of challenges and uncertainties arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The research, based on a systematic review of the literature, aims to identify the benefits and challenges faced by HEIs when adapting to technological changes and the transition to distance learning based on their organizational communication. The results reveal challenges in the face of the need for well-planned strategies and investments in organizational culture as crucial elements for the success of HEIs, the maintenance of effective relationships with their stakeholders for the achievement of academic goals. Among the benefits observed, significant improvements in teaching-learning processes stand out, facilitated by the integration of interactive technologies. In addition, effective organizational communication strengthens institutional culture and fosters strategic relationships among stakeholders. Organizational communication in HEIs results in improvements in teaching-learning processes, in the strengthening of culture, and in increased engagement and knowledge sharing among internal members of the institutions. These findings highlight the importance of organizational communication as a key element for the success and resilience of HEIs in an ever-evolving educational environment.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Claudiana Aparecida e Silva Noro, Cassiana Maris Lima Cruz, Andressa Excarliti Kleber


  • Claudiana Aparecida e Silva Noro
  • Cassiana Maris Lima Cruz
  • Andressa Excarliti Kleber