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Dental care for patients with severe intellectual disabilities

Letícia Krobel da Cunha Kiill

Sara Martins Gomes

Bruno Pereira das Posses

Kleber Borgo Kill

Daniela Pertel Milleri



Objective: To present the conduction of a dental treatment case in a patient with severe Intellectual Disability (ID), detailing the procedures performed to demystify impossibilities. Case Details: A 48-year-old female patient, diagnosed with severe ID, ICD 10 F 72, sought dental treatment at a school clinic during the discipline of Supervised Internship for People with Disabilities. The patient needed surgical, endodontic, and restorative interventions. Final considerations: In patients with ID, due to the lack of oral health care skills, and/or inability to receive adequate personal and professional care, sometimes the condition of the oral cavity is complex, in addition, the presence of underlying congenital or developmental anomalies may be related. Tooth decay and periodontal disease are among the secondary conditions that most affect these individuals. The procedures performed on the patient were adapted according to her needs, aiming to deliver a better quality of life and comfort through the improvement of oral health.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Letícia Krobel da Cunha Kiill, Sara Martins Gomes, Bruno Pereira das Posses, Kleber Borgo Kill , Daniela Pertel Milleri


  • Letícia Krobel da Cunha Kiill
  • Sara Martins Gomes
  • Bruno Pereira das Posses
  • Kleber Borgo Kill
  • Daniela Pertel Milleri