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The teaching of chemical technologies associated with industrial contamination that impacts the environment

Fernando B. Mainier

Renata Jogaib Mainier



This work aims to demonstrate the importance of knowledge for the formulation of clean technologies in the production of materials and chemical products, which do not go against the interests of society and are centered on environmental preservation. Most chemical processes were conceived at the beginning of the century or in the 1950s, where the principles of preservation of man, the environment and industrial safety were not fundamental requirements in the implementation of these large basic industries. The origin of the raw materials and the multiple industrial technologies adopted in the manufacture of various products and the recovery of industrial waste or other origins are fundamental factors that dictate the quality of the final product. Several industrial processes were presented where the level and type of contaminant is inseparably linked to its origins and the industrial processes imposed. In addition, it is concluded that it is important to develop a critical technical awareness in society, especially in the University, which aims to understand the manufacturing routes of the products and the contaminants generated and/or aggregated during industrial processing, especially in relation to the quality of the products and environmental preservation.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Fernando B. Mainier, Renata Jogaib Mainier


  • Fernando B. Mainier
  • Renata Jogaib Mainier