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Epistemological reflections of the teachers' specialized knowledge model: Chemistry teaching in focus

Soares ST;
Calcanhoto KKN;
Dantas LK;
Lourenço AE;
Ribeiro MTD

Susel Taís Soares

Karla Katherine Nascimento Calcanhoto

Larissa Kely Dantas

Abner Eliezer Lourenço

Marcel Thiago Damasceno Ribeiro


Teachers' knowledge
Teaching chemistry
Theoretical model


The theoretical model Specialized Knowledge of the Mathematics Teacher (MTSK), which corresponds to the Specialized Knowledge of Mathematics Teachers, has been not only the theoretical reference in research on the teaching and learning of Mathematics, but also, due to its specialization, as a reference model for other areas of knowledge, such as Physics, Chemistry,  Biology, Portuguese, History, among others. The purpose of this article is to discuss the use of the MTSK theoretical model as a theoretical framework in the proposal of models for other areas of knowledge such as Chemistry, based on the epistemology of these two sciences. Qualitative research is assumed as a method, and its classification in relation to the objectives is the explanatory approach and in relation to the technical procedures the bibliographic approach. In this way, the development of the article begins with the presentation of the theoretical model of Mathematics, including the epistemological view attributed by the researchers when proposing this model. Subsequently, the Specialized Knowledge of Chemistry Teachers (CTSK) model proposed by the MTSK is presented. Finally, it ends with the epistemological vision that made this transposition between the models possible without losing the specialized character for both areas.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Susel Taís Soares, Karla Katherine Nascimento Calcanhoto, Larissa Kely Dantas, Abner Eliezer Lourenço, Marcel Thiago Damasceno Ribeiro


  • Susel Taís Soares
  • Karla Katherine Nascimento Calcanhoto
  • Larissa Kely Dantas
  • Abner Eliezer Lourenço
  • Marcel Thiago Damasceno Ribeiro