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Challenges and consequences of the drop in pediatric vaccination rates in Brazil

Bárbara Mariana Fernandes Salvador de Oliveira

Camila Karielle Sousa Carvalho Pinto

Emilly Lessa Silva

Gabriel Lopes Cruz

Gabryella Trindade Vieira

Maria Clara Genelhú Carreira

Maria Eduarda Mourão Negreiros

Mateus Merlin Meurer

Vitória Resende Lopes

Vitor Emanoel Barbosa da Silva



In recent decades, childhood vaccination has played a crucial role in preventing severe disease in children globally. Although it does not have access to specific data from the last 25 years, in general, immunization programs coordinated by health organizations, such as the WHO, have contributed to a significant reduction in the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and polio. Promoting high rates of vaccination coverage remains a priority to ensure child health and combat infectious disease outbreaks. It is recommended to consult local and international sources for detailed data on childhood vaccination in specific periods and regions.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Bárbara Mariana Fernandes Salvador de Oliveira, Camila Karielle Sousa Carvalho Pinto, Emilly Lessa Silva, Gabriel Lopes Cruz, Gabryella Trindade Vieira, Maria Clara Genelhú Carreira, Maria Eduarda Mourão Negreiros, Mateus Merlin Meurer, Vitória Resende Lopes, Vitor Emanoel Barbosa da Silva


  • Bárbara Mariana Fernandes Salvador de Oliveira
  • Camila Karielle Sousa Carvalho Pinto
  • Emilly Lessa Silva
  • Gabriel Lopes Cruz
  • Gabryella Trindade Vieira
  • Maria Clara Genelhú Carreira
  • Maria Eduarda Mourão Negreiros
  • Mateus Merlin Meurer
  • Vitória Resende Lopes
  • Vitor Emanoel Barbosa da Silva