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Brief study on the use of active methodologies in teaching during the pandemic period: The case of the Federal District-DF

Valter Siqueira Freitas

Luiz Alberto Rocha de Lira



The present study is part of a broader post-doctoral research carried out at the Evangelical University of Paraguay-UEP, with the general objective of investigating teaching performance, educational infrastructure and ways of acquiring knowledge of these teachers about hybrid teaching, the flipped classroom, and also on the use of alternative educational resources during the pandemic, in the educational network of the Federal District (DF). The research instrument used was Google forms, and 97 forms were applied, 62% of which were representative of public institutions and 38% of private educational institutions. The DF has just over 3 million inhabitants, and, regarding basic education, the Department of Education is responsible for managing all stages (childhood, elementary and secondary education). Due to the analysis of the main elements returned from the research, through the mathematical and statistical method, aimed at issues inherent to the process of using educational resources in teaching-learning, it was observed that the responding teachers translated the occurrences in the educational context of Brasilia-DF, demonstrating that the FLEX model, which became quite popular during the pandemic, was the most used (40%). This is a methodology in which the teacher provides an activity guide digitally, or similar, so that the student can carry out the activities alone or even in a study group.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Valter Siqueira Freitas, Luiz Alberto Rocha de Lira


  • Valter Siqueira Freitas
  • Luiz Alberto Rocha de Lira