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Incidental pancreatic nodule in a patient with Tuberous Sclerosis

André Gustavo da Silva Barbosa

Isabelle Pereira Lima

João Macedo Holanda Pinto

Lucas de Souza Antunes Leitão

Ana Beatriz Albuquerque da Cunha

Bruna Maciel Cardoso Ramos Reinaldo

Raimundo Hugo Matias Furtado

Fernando Jorge Diniz Cavalcanti



ET is a genetic disorder that leads to a disturbance in cell proliferation and migration related to variable clinical manifestations, ranging from benign lesions to malignant tumors. Most ET patients diagnosed with NETs have pancreatic involvement, however the presence of these tumors in other organs should be considered as part of the disease phenotype. Recent studies have shown that the majority of tuberous sclerosis patients with pancreatic NETs have a germline pathogenic variant in the TSC2 gene. In the present report, the patient had a tumor in the caudal region of the pancreas that was asymptomatic. Current surgical recommendations for non-functional pancreatic NETs indicate the need for surgical removal when they are more than 20 mm in size or have very rapid growth. In this case, the area of the tumor made surgical removal necessary.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 André Gustavo da Silva Barbosa, Isabelle Pereira Lima, João Macedo Holanda Pinto, Lucas de Souza Antunes Leitão, Ana Beatriz Albuquerque da Cunha, Bruna Maciel Cardoso Ramos Reinaldo, Raimundo Hugo Matias Furtado , Fernando Jorge Diniz Cavalcanti


  • André Gustavo da Silva Barbosa
  • Isabelle Pereira Lima
  • João Macedo Holanda Pinto
  • Lucas de Souza Antunes Leitão
  • Ana Beatriz Albuquerque da Cunha
  • Bruna Maciel Cardoso Ramos Reinaldo
  • Raimundo Hugo Matias Furtado
  • Fernando Jorge Diniz Cavalcanti