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Infectious diseases in the neonatal period: A literature review

Mair Luce Figueredo Porto Carrêro

Maria Carolina Lopes de Souza

Lorena Queiroz de Oliveira

Marinelson Paulo Alves

Maria de Lourdes Ferreira Medeiros de Matos

Alcemar Antônio Lopes de Matos

Josemar Simoes Carrêro

Martha Borges Neves Manhães


Neonatal infectious diseases are pathologies that affect newborns, usually in the first four weeks of life. They are transmitted through breastfeeding or during pregnancy. They are congenital when transmission occurs transplacentally. An example of this is cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, and rubella, acquired during childbirth (less than 48 hours of life), caused by group B Streptococcus and Escherichia coli or nosocomial (more than 48 hours of life) caused by acquisition during the period of stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit due to healthcare-associated infections (HAI). In this context, the study aims to highlight the main infections that occur in the neonatal period, understand the pathogenic process, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases. The methodology used was an exploratory literature review, with a qualitative approach, through bibliographic research of books and articles, using the Lilacs, PubMed and SciELO databases. Examples of this class of pathologies include early or late neonatal sepsis and viral infections such as neonatal herpes, hepatitis B, HIV, Zika, Chikungunya and dengue. Thus, it is concluded that a rapid diagnosis and treatment is important, as these infections evolve to severe conditions due to the immaturity of the neonate's immune system. Prevention includes proper prenatal care, maternal immunization, and hygiene precautions during childbirth and after birth.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Mair Luce Figueredo Porto Carrêro , Maria Carolina Lopes de Souza, Lorena Queiroz de Oliveira, Marinelson Paulo Alves, Maria de Lourdes Ferreira Medeiros de Matos, Alcemar Antônio Lopes de Matos, Josemar Simoes Carrêro, Martha Borges Neves Manhães


  • Mair Luce Figueredo Porto Carrêro
  • Maria Carolina Lopes de Souza
  • Lorena Queiroz de Oliveira
  • Marinelson Paulo Alves
  • Maria de Lourdes Ferreira Medeiros de Matos
  • Alcemar Antônio Lopes de Matos
  • Josemar Simoes Carrêro
  • Martha Borges Neves Manhães