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Root caries in elderly patients: A narrative review

Maria Mayara Nascimento Beserra

Brenda Matsunaga Laurindo

Luciana de Araújo Martins

Juliano Sartori Mendonça

Sérgio Lima Santiago

Lidiany Karla Azevedo Rodrigues Gerage



Root caries is a common condition that affects oral health in the elderly, due to risk factors such as gum recession, reduced saliva, and systemic diseases, in addition to the use of medications, characterized by the deterioration of dental tissues in the region of the roots of the teeth due to caries. Prevention and treatment include regular dental care, topical fluoride, and remineralizing agents to prevent lesion progression. In cases of cavity formation, restorative treatment is indicated. In extreme cases of tooth substrate loss, tooth extraction may be the only choice. This work aimed to describe the characteristics of root caries lesions and review the literature on their concept, particularities, and management, in addition to discussing the different forms of intervention and choices of material adopted. For this, articles were researched between the years 2013 and 2023, through searches in Scielo, Pubmed and Banco Periódico da Capes databases, using as descriptors: root caries AND/OR elderly AND/OR dentistry. Within the inclusion criteria, complete articles were selected, relevant to the topic, that could be accessed in full, whether in Portuguese or English. Awareness about the importance of oral health in the elderly and access to adequate dental services are essential to prevent and treat root caries in this population. Promoting healthy oral hygiene habits and educating about risk factors also play a crucial role in reducing the incidence of this disease and increasing the quality of life among the elderly.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Mayara Nascimento Beserra, Brenda Matsunaga Laurindo, Luciana de Araújo Martins, Juliano Sartori Mendonça, Sérgio Lima Santiago, Lidiany Karla Azevedo Rodrigues Gerage


  • Maria Mayara Nascimento Beserra
  • Brenda Matsunaga Laurindo
  • Luciana de Araújo Martins
  • Juliano Sartori Mendonça
  • Sérgio Lima Santiago
  • Lidiany Karla Azevedo Rodrigues Gerage