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Institutional reconfigurations: Covid-19 pandemic and Brazilian basic education

Danielli Cossul

Eduardo Steindorf Saraiva



This study presents a report of an experience in Psychology carried out from insertions in a Brazilian public school. The objective was to understand the instituting processes resulting from the tensions faced by the school during the covid-19 pandemic. The institutional analysis script proposed by Gregório Baremblitt guided the praxis in the field, which took place from September to December 2021. Four face-to-face meetings were held, lasting 60 to 90 minutes, in addition to participant observations in different spaces within the school and digital interactions. The data were organized in a field diary, recorded and transcribed with consent. The results reveal that the digitalization of pedagogical practices is a fundamental instituting movement. In addition, this basic movement involved correlated institutions, such as the transfiguration of the role of the teacher in the imaginary of families, the redefinition of the boundaries between public and private life, and the aggravation of social vulnerabilities. This study may be of interest to education professionals of different levels and university students, as it offers insights into how to conduct an institutional analysis from the analyst's point of view. In addition, it sheds light on the empirical reality of the institution by translating the experience of the school community, providing reflections that can be useful to understand similar post-pandemic scenarios.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Danielli Cossul, Eduardo Steindorf Saraiva