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Descriptive aspects of wood as an ally in sustainable civil construction: A statistical analysis

Walter Ihlenfeld

Matheus Pacheco Auler

Iolanda Geronimo Del Roio

Beatrice Lorenz Fontolan

Alicia Armanini Forte

Tatiana Maria Cecy Gadda

Jaime Miranda Guerrieri

Ana Paula Borges dos Santos

Caren Melissa Santos da Silva

Gabriel Felipe Pryjma Cardeal Vieira



With the global trend of using renewable materials and low energy consumption, wood has reappeared in the national construction scene as an ally in sustainable construction. As it is a natural input, it is non-toxic and does not harm the environment, as well as does not oxidize and has good resistance, thus being a safe option for structures and users. Being the result of the growth of a living being, it implies variations in its characteristics depending on the environment in which the trees develop, different physical and mechanical characteristics are added. To understand these characteristics, a descriptive statistical analysis and correlation and regression model are applied with the SPSS© program with the main physical quantities of tree species used as inputs in the national civil construction. From the correlation matrix, the quantity that has the greatest correlation between the variables is the density, so density is considered as the dependent variable for the regression and the others as independent variables, namely: height, diameter, years of cut, dry density, yield strength, modulus of rupture and strength of the fibers. Thus, a multiple linear regression model was created where the values of R² and adjusted R² indicate that the model can explain more than 90% of the phenomenon and that the correlation between the variables is positive.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Walter Ihlenfeld, Matheus Pacheco Auler, Iolanda Geronimo Del Roio, Beatrice Lorenz Fontolan, Alicia Armanini Forte, Tatiana Maria Cecy Gadda, Jaime Miranda Guerrieri, Ana Paula Borges dos Santos, Caren Melissa Santos da Silva, Gabriel Felipe Pryjma Cardeal Vieira


  • Walter Ihlenfeld
  • Matheus Pacheco Auler
  • Iolanda Geronimo Del Roio
  • Beatrice Lorenz Fontolan
  • Alicia Armanini Forte
  • Tatiana Maria Cecy Gadda
  • Jaime Miranda Guerrieri
  • Ana Paula Borges dos Santos
  • Caren Melissa Santos da Silva
  • Gabriel Felipe Pryjma Cardeal Vieira