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School health program: Vaccination activity in a state school in Mossoró/RN

Adriana Cunha Penha

Adriana Maria Alves

Antonio Gomes de Sousa Sobrinho

Bárbara Lívia Lima Barra

Carlos Wanderson Gomes de Oliveira

Dayane Tatiany Dantas da Silva

Fernando Vinícius de Oliveira Silva

Hemily Evellyn Simão Dantas

Jéssica Luana Silva Mendes Carvalho

Jorgivan Silva de Medeiros Filho

Letícia Lamonyele de Souza Costa

Pedro Eduardo do Nascimento Fonseca



Health and education policies aimed at children, adolescents and adults in the Brazilian public school system join forces in the attempt to promote health and comprehensive education, aiming to address the vulnerabilities that threaten the satisfactory development of these social subjects. Thus, the PSE is translated into a strategy of integration between health and education, with a view to shaping citizenship and improving existing public policies in Brazil. This is an experience report on a vaccination activity carried out in a state educational institution in Rio Grande do Norte. The activity was conducted by a nursing team, nursing interns and some Community Health Agents (CHA), providing the following vaccines: MMR, adult diphtheria and tetanus (dT), Hepatitis B and Influenza. The aim was to promote the availability of up-to-date vaccinations for individuals attending the public school in question. The administration of 80 doses of vaccines was provided, in general, to students and employees of the educational institution, who had pending issues of the respective immunobiologicals on their vaccine cards. Therefore, the importance of this action of the PSE is reaffirmed by enabling greater approximations with this public, which often ends up distancing themselves from the services offered at the UBS. In addition, the University presents itself as an integration component in the PSE, so that it offers students who are readily qualified to add to the health workforce.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Adriana Cunha Penha, Adriana Maria Alves, Antonio Gomes de Sousa Sobrinho, Bárbara Lívia Lima Barra, Carlos Wanderson Gomes de Oliveira, Dayane Tatiany Dantas da Silva, Fernando Vinícius de Oliveira Silva, Hemily Evellyn Simão Dantas, Jéssica Luana Silva Mendes Carvalho, Jorgivan Silva de Medeiros Filho, Letícia Lamonyele de Souza Costa, Pedro Eduardo do Nascimento Fonseca


  • Adriana Cunha Penha
  • Adriana Maria Alves
  • Antonio Gomes de Sousa Sobrinho
  • Bárbara Lívia Lima Barra
  • Carlos Wanderson Gomes de Oliveira
  • Dayane Tatiany Dantas da Silva
  • Fernando Vinícius de Oliveira Silva
  • Hemily Evellyn Simão Dantas
  • Jéssica Luana Silva Mendes Carvalho
  • Jorgivan Silva de Medeiros Filho
  • Letícia Lamonyele de Souza Costa
  • Pedro Eduardo do Nascimento Fonseca