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The curricularization of extension in higher education as an opportunity for territorial development

Juçara Elza Hennerich

Cyntia Castoldi Destri

Fernanda Signor

Vívian Nolasco

Fernanda da Cruz Bertan



With its beginnings on the European continent, back in the 19th century, extension activities began to strengthen a clear and fundamental relationship in professional training. To date, the strengthening of extension has gone through several fields and has begun to gain a greater public policy structure since the 1988 constitution, passing through resolutions, the updating of the LDB, up to the determination of compulsory training in the curriculum, making it urgent to study, debate and build indicators and parameters, foundations that can contribute to the fulfillment of a legal norm and mainly enhance the important premises of extension directed towards professional training. The chapter proposed here aims to present and discuss a specific methodology that includes the diagnosis, experience and proposition phases, giving fluency to the specificities of the different professional backgrounds and, at the same time, contributing to raising awareness among students, teachers, institutions and communities about their responsibilities, potential and mutual commitment to shaping the society that they all enjoy and are co-authors of. In this sense, the curricularization of extension, combined with the proposed methodology, can be translated into an educational, cultural and scientific process which, by linking teaching and research in an inseparable way, enables a transformative relationship between the training institution and society, integrating teaching and research with social development.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Juçara Elza Hennerich , Cyntia Castoldi Destri , Fernanda Signor , Vívian Nolasco , Fernanda da Cruz Bertan


  • Juçara Elza Hennerich
  • Cyntia Castoldi Destri
  • Fernanda Signor
  • Vívian Nolasco
  • Fernanda da Cruz Bertan