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Toxicity and violence among women: An exploratory study of abusive experiences in lesbian couples

Amaral BF;
Frayman L;
Rios MC

Bruna Ferraroli Amaral

Leila Frayman

Mino Correia Rios


Abusive relationships


Abusive relationships are gaining more and more visibility due to their harmful impact on individuals and society. Despite this, certain segments remain invisible in relation to this theme, which is the case of the LGBTQIAPN+ population. The present study sought to analyze the experience profile of abusive relationships carried out by lesbian couples, as well as their consequences. A survey was carried out with 46 lesbian women using an electronic form. The respondents were, on average, 26.5 years old (sd=5.2), mostly subjects with higher education or more (91.3%), and distributed throughout the country, but with emphasis on the Southeast regions (69.6 %). The results indicate three main dimensions for the characterization of abusive relationships between lesbians: Submission/isolation, with items that describe feelings and behaviors of vulnerability, submission and subordination on the part of the respondent when interacting with the partner(s); Lack of control and guilt, involving items associated with relationships with a dynamic of aggression, lack of control and remorse; and Manipulation, with items describing the interaction with a partner with manipulative, passive-aggressive behaviors and involving behaviors such as distortion and victimization. Although the dimension of manipulation is more prominent than the others, the data indicate that each of the dimensions has specific and specific relationships with types of violence. The data also suggest the presence of complex relationships in terms of toxicity in lesbian relationships. Finally, the need for further studies is emphasized, given the lack of research with this public.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Bruna Ferraroli Amaral, Leila Frayman, Mino Correia Rios


  • Bruna Ferraroli Amaral
  • Leila Frayman
  • Mino Correia Rios