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Prolapse of the third eyelid gland in dogs

Andressa Cardoso Raymundi

Bárbara Fernandes Menezes

Claudia Liliane Mendes Veloso

Julissandra Oliveira Cândido Vieira

Leticia Ferreira Sousa

Maria Eduarda Leal Rodrigues

Thaiz Alves Lopes Guimarães de Castro

Thays Borges Silva



Prolapse is the protrusion of the gland of the third eyelid, in which, when it is exposed and moves out of its normal position, it is probably caused by laxity of the appendages, trauma, or primary or secondary adenitis. It manifests itself more frequently in young animals and has breeds more predisposed to its appearance such as English Bulldog, Cocker, Basset hound, Beagle, Pekingese and Boston. Clinical signs are the appearance of a reddish-pinkish, bulky mass located in the nasomedial corner of the eye, mucoid or serous discharge, and conjunctivitis. Diagnosis is made based on anamnesis, physical examination, and patient history. Treatment is based on fluorescein testing to identify corneal ulcers, if corneal ulcers are not identified, prophylactic preoperative management with antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory eye drops, with subsequent repositioning of the third eyelid gland. The prognosis is good according to the technique chosen for each case and with good management during the patient's postoperative period.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Andressa Cardoso Raymundi, Bárbara Fernandes Menezes, Claudia Liliane Mendes Veloso, Julissandra Oliveira Cândido Vieira, Leticia Ferreira Sousa, Maria Eduarda Leal Rodrigues, Thaiz Alves Lopes Guimarães de Castro , Thays Borges Silva


  • Andressa Cardoso Raymundi
  • Bárbara Fernandes Menezes
  • Claudia Liliane Mendes Veloso
  • Julissandra Oliveira Cândido Vieira
  • Leticia Ferreira Sousa
  • Maria Eduarda Leal Rodrigues
  • Thaiz Alves Lopes Guimarães de Castro
  • Thays Borges Silva