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Scars of the pandemic: New perspectives on school physical education

Rosinei Stupp

Rochele Rita Andreazza Maciel



The present study aims to address some reflective aspects that show the scars left by the COVID 19 pandemic on students in the years 2020 to 2021 in order to discuss the challenges faced in pedagogical practice during physical education classes, through remote and hybrid teaching. Strengthening a bond between teacher and student, showing that it is possible to work with different classes where everyone feels good and learns together in this exchange of experience. Thus, some objectives a) to become aware of the reality of each student; b) what access to the technologies each one has available; c) provide support to students, investigating and monitoring changes in their emotions; d) offer dynamic and relaxed classes to face this moment together. This research was carried out through the qualitative-descriptive methodology, through experience reports, making use of bibliographic analysis for this purpose. The technique used was participant observation. The reflections from the analysis ensure that there are several challenges to be overcome, the presence of the teacher is of great importance in the lives of these adolescents to provide support, each adolescent/student has their own story and we teachers have the responsibility to show the way and only by knowing each one can we make the appropriate intervention.  We are sure that we have learned and will continue to learn a lot, even with these times we are going through, with care and respect we go further working on the aspects that involve the health and well-being of everyone to promote socialization and a healthy routine in daily life.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Rosinei Stupp, Rochele Rita Andreazza Maciel