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Special education in the context of inclusive education: Sharing reflections

Claudia Terra do Nascimento Paz



Special education has been building its identity and performance over time, being responsible for specialized educational assistance (SES), in order to complement and/or supplement school education. In this sense, the objective of this sharing of reflections was to reflect on the target audience of this action. There is a consensus that this public accounts for students with disabilities, autism spectrum disorder and high abilities/giftedness. However, since 2008, the Special Education Educational Policy has identified students with specific functional disorders as part of this public. Despite this, students with ADHD and specific learning disabilities are generally not seen as part of the SES. Like other students who have neurodevelopmental disorders and are the target audience, these students may also have severe learning difficulties. Thus, this reflection is fundamental, since such conditions compose a list of early-onset disorders, with permanent conditions and atypical cognitive characteristics, which bring to these students the need for numerous curricular accessibility resources so that the process of inclusive education is effectively fulfilled.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Claudia Terra do Nascimento Paz