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Phytotherapy In Primary Health Care: An Integrative Literature Review

Ana Beatriz Carneiro de Assis

Maria das Dores Viana Pinheiro

Charles Nonato da Cunha Santos

Márcia Naildes da Costa Lima do Carmo

Paulo Giovanni Lima Santiago

Juliana de Sousa Oliveira Ximenes Cruz

Mauricio Pereira da Luz

Jossiony Helly de Freitas Nunes

Michel Alexander Araújo Garcez

Raquel Conceição Guajajara Pereira

Felisangela dos Santos de Castro

Felipe Santana e Silva



Objective: The present study aimed to analyze the use of phytotherapy and medicinal plants in Primary Health Care. Methodology: This is an exploratory and descriptive qualitative research carried out through an integrative literature review. The study used three databases, from 2017 to 2022, using 21 publications. Results and Discourse: Older articles were used due to the wealth of information. The use of medicinal plants results from a vast knowledge that for centuries have been used by different ethnic groups resulting in what we now know as traditional medicine, which was recognized by the World Health Organization. Final Considerations: It was possible to identify in the study that there is a great shortage in terms of studies and publications regarding phytotherapy, even though our country is the largest plant biodiversity in the world. With training, information and research incentives, Primary Health Care has great potential to change this reality.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Beatriz Carneiro de Assis, Maria das Dores Viana Pinheiro, Charles Nonato da Cunha Santos, Márcia Naildes da Costa Lima do Carmo, Paulo Giovanni Lima Santiago, Juliana de Sousa Oliveira Ximenes Cruz, Mauricio Pereira da Luz, Jossiony Helly de Freitas Nunes, Michel Alexander Araújo Garcez, Raquel Conceição Guajajara, Felisangela dos Santos de Castro


  • Ana Beatriz Carneiro de Assis
  • Maria das Dores Viana Pinheiro
  • Charles Nonato da Cunha Santos
  • Márcia Naildes da Costa Lima do Carmo
  • Paulo Giovanni Lima Santiago
  • Juliana de Sousa Oliveira Ximenes Cruz
  • Mauricio Pereira da Luz
  • Jossiony Helly de Freitas Nunes
  • Michel Alexander Araújo Garcez
  • Raquel Conceição Guajajara Pereira
  • Felisangela dos Santos de Castro
  • Felipe Santana e Silva