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Creative learning as a public policy in Ribeirão das Neves

Liza Iole da Silva Caetano

Dolores Kícila Alves Carlos

Paula Peixoto Guimarães Takahashi

Simone Elina de Paula

Soraia Fernandes de Oliveira Lima

Marisa Socorro de Resende Silva



The article presents the report of experience in the formulation of Public Policy of education, for the systemic adoption of Creative Learning as a pedagogical approach in the Municipal Education Network in Ribeirão das Neves, Minas Gerais. The report presented is not a scientific research, but rather the practical experience of the formulation of public policy for the systemic adoption of Creative Learning as a pedagogical approach and subsequent curricular integration. The formulation of this public policy was adopted from a cartographic perspective. It can be inferred that the recovery of this educational loss, resulting from this pandemic crisis, will only be possible with a great collective and democratic work, with the involvement of the teaching staff of the school community, councils, families, organizations, civil society and a lot of political commitment. Therefore, it is necessary to unite all social subjects in favor of the recovery and improvement of public education.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Liza Iole da Silva Caetano , Dolores Kícila Alves Carlos , Paula Peixoto Guimarães Takahashi , Simone Elina de Paula , Soraia Fernandes de Oliveira Lima , Marisa Socorro de Resende Silva


  • Liza Iole da Silva Caetano
  • Dolores Kícila Alves Carlos
  • Paula Peixoto Guimarães Takahashi
  • Simone Elina de Paula
  • Soraia Fernandes de Oliveira Lima
  • Marisa Socorro de Resende Silva