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Physicochemical characterization of the pseudofruits of strawberry hybrids in northern Minas Gerais

Joana D'ark Nunes da Silva Lima

Débora Ferreira de Souza

Izabela Cristina Pires Gomes

Elizangela Kele Celestina Pereira Silveira

Luciana Cardoso Nogueira Londe

Mario Sérgio Carvalho Dias



The strawberry plant is disseminated in a state of the most diverse climatic conditions, it is traditionally cultivated in the states of the southern region, seeking a better recommendation for the current market where a hybrid breeding experiment was elaborated.  Aiming to generate a new pure strain with favorable alleles, present in two or more genotypes, presenting characteristics of the strawberry tree that is desired, such as shape, aroma, flavor, color and properties. Based on these factors, the objective of this work was to perform the physicochemical characterization of pseudofruits of ten strawberry hybrids obtained by hybridization, in order to verify the best recommended cross for the current market. Evaluations of 10 hybrids obtained by the complete diallel system named EP01 to EP10 were carried out, the results were submitted to analysis of variance and used for the test of means, Tukey's test at the level of 5% probability. Thus, obtaining values for determination of soluble solids (SS) content, °Brix, quantification of titratable acidity (TA) of strawberry fruits, and pH values.  It should be noted that for the characteristics (SS) the hybrid EP08 presented a higher value of °Brix, the hybrids EP01 and EP03 revealed a higher value of TA, being 3.00% of citric acid in both. For the pH, the hybrids EP02, EP03 and EP08 showed the highest mean values. In the end, it can be concluded that the EP08 hybrid presents physicochemical characteristics of the pseudofruits superior to the other hybrids evaluated.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Joana D'ark Nunes da Silva Lima, Débora Ferreira de Souza, Izabela Cristina Pires Gomes, Elizangela Kele Celestina Pereira Silveira, Luciana Cardoso Nogueira Londe, Mario Sérgio Carvalho Dias


  • Joana D'ark Nunes da Silva Lima
  • Débora Ferreira de Souza
  • Izabela Cristina Pires Gomes
  • Elizangela Kele Celestina Pereira Silveira
  • Luciana Cardoso Nogueira Londe
  • Mario Sérgio Carvalho Dias