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Action of cultural food practices in Pará AIMED at the nutrition of heart disease patients in northern Brazil: An experience report

Aldair da Silva Guterres

Dalva Bastos e Silva Coutinho

Rosileide de Souza Torres

Camila Queiroz Valentim

Adryele Aynara Brabo dos Reis

Jeane Kelly Tavares Saraty

Shirley Pascoal dos Reis Marques

Marília Magalhães Aguiar

Lorena Costa dos Santos

Tília de Sousa Monteiro

Vanessa dos Santos Barreira

Andressa Gonçalves Ferreira



Introduction: Nutrition education is a health education activity that greatly facilitates the dissemination of knowledge to hospitalized patients, since they generally have no interest in or direct access to information about healthy eating habits. Objective: To educate patients and carers about the nutritional value of açaí in order to minimize myths and doubts about its consumption. Methods: This was a descriptive study reporting on the experience of an educational activity carried out by nutrition interns/researchers and nutritionists at the State Public Foundation Hospital de Clínicas Gaspar Vianna (FPHCGV) in the city of Belém do Pará/Brazil, in March 2023. Results: Each participant was served 200 ml of açaí and 15 g of tapioca flour. After the tasting, an observational survey was carried out, where it was possible to verify that the action represented a satisfactory initiative with excellent acceptability. Conclusion: The action showed positive feedback on the acceptability of the food by the patients and a good understanding of the educational content provided.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Aldair da Silva Guterres, Dalva Bastos e Silva Coutinho, Rosileide de Souza Torres, Camila Queiroz Valentim, Adryele Aynara Brabo dos Reis, Jeane Kelly Tavares Saraty, Shirley Pascoal dos Reis Marques, Marília Magalhães Aguiar, Lorena Costa dos Santos, Tília de Sousa Monteiro, Vanessa dos Santos Barreira, Andressa Gonçalves Ferreira


  • Aldair da Silva Guterres
  • Dalva Bastos e Silva Coutinho
  • Rosileide de Souza Torres
  • Camila Queiroz Valentim
  • Adryele Aynara Brabo dos Reis
  • Jeane Kelly Tavares Saraty
  • Shirley Pascoal dos Reis Marques
  • Marília Magalhães Aguiar
  • Lorena Costa dos Santos
  • Tília de Sousa Monteiro
  • Vanessa dos Santos Barreira
  • Andressa Gonçalves Ferreira