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The learning of mathematics in the final years of elementary school: Studies and realities in the municipal school system of Florianópolis-SC

Ana Elisa Pillon

Ivam Galvão Filho

Vania Ribas Ulbricht

Márcio Vieira de Souza



This article presents a research whose objective was to investigate how the teaching-learning process of mathematics occurs in the final years of elementary school. To achieve this goal, two integrative literature reviews were initially carried out based on data available on the Web of Science, Scopus and Scielo and, in a later phase, a field research was carried out with students and teachers of the final years of elementary education in municipal schools. from Florianópolis - SC. In this research characterized as descriptive in terms of its objectives and qualitative in terms of approach, in addition to the integrative review, participant observations and semi-structured interviews were used. As for the use of TDIC's for learning mathematics, the results of the reviews revealed that the gradual increase in this use has been pointed out as positive. However, in field research with 15 teachers and 50 students, it was identified that, for the majority, at the time the data were collected, the technologies were not yet actively participating in this process. As with other findings at this stage, it should be noted that, for these students, mathematics was mentioned as one of the disciplines with greater “ease” of understanding. In addition, they pointed out “fractions” as the content with the greatest difficulty in understanding. In this way, it is concluded that the analysis and reflection on the relevant aspects of the observed experience, focusing on the use of technologies or, the difficulties pointed out in the teaching of fractions, can greatly contribute to the educational praxis of mathematics.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Elisa Pillon, Ivam Galvão Filho, Vania Ribas Ulbricht, Márcio Vieira de Souza


  • Ana Elisa Pillon
  • Ivam Galvão Filho
  • Vania Ribas Ulbricht
  • Márcio Vieira de Souza