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The choice of the teaching profession from the perspective of the undergraduate students of the biological sciences course of the IFCE Campus Acaraú

Maria Denice Sousa

Larissa Camila Martins de Oliveira

Marilia Duarte Guimarães


This work is part of the result of a monograph and discusses the reasons around the option for initial teacher training, a process loaded with doubts for most people. The choice for a profession is personal and also social, since it involves preferences, but also the opportunities that the subject finds in his context. The work aimed to investigate, the pretensions of the students of the Degree Course in Biological Sciences of IFCE – Campus Acaraú, to opt for this graduation and the future intentions pertinent to the formation. As specific objectives we seek: (1) To describe the reasons that led students to choose the course; (2) To understand how academic experiences change the way of looking at the teaching profession; (3) Identify among the students the representativeness in future teaching performance. It was held at IFCE/Campus Acaraú, with students from the 7th and 8th semesters of the degree course in Biological Sciences. Data were collected through questionnaires produced in Google Forms, analyzed and translated by the transcription of clippings extracted from the records of the subjects in the questionnaires, followed by a discussion presented in an analytical expository text, with interpretations made according to the literature related to the problem explored. The results showed that one of the aspects that greatly influenced the choice of the course was the fact that there are only two degrees at IFCE/Campus Acaraú, as options in the region, in higher education, in a public institution. But also, they had reports of vocation for the area of Biology, and for teaching.


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Denice Sousa, Larissa Camila Martins de Oliveira, Marilia Duarte Guimarães


  • Maria Denice Sousa
  • Larissa Camila Martins de Oliveira
  • Marilia Duarte Guimarães