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Investigation of the antifungal action of natural products on seeds of Euterpe oleraceae: Bioproduct Potential

Sandra Ávila Gaspar

Felipe Freire Souza Silva

Elvira Alves

Marcos Tadeu Varricchio

Armando Isaac Nigri

Fábio de Almeida Bolognani

Alexandre dos Santos Pyrrho

Simone da Silva

Marcia Cristina Braga Nunes Varricchio



Açaí seeds (Euterpe oleraceae) are used in handicrafts by urban indigenous Sateré-Mawé present in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, which brought the demand for the vast loss of seeds due to fungal contamination and the problems triggered by it. In search of simple, cheap and efficient solutions, total aqueous extracts of Bixa orellana (Attatto/Urucum), Punica granatum (Pomegranate) and Tagetes erecta (Carnation) and Euphorbia tirucalli (Aveloz/Firestick) were tested on Euterpe oleraceae (Açaí) seeds. Only E. tirucalli exerted antifungal activity (21.75%) at concentration tested, showing a promising action for the conservation of Açaí seeds. Based on the understandings generated by the experiments, new trials are being designed, inserted into the One Health perspective.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Sandra Ávila Gaspar, Felipe Freire Souza Silva , Elvira Alves, Marcos Tadeu Varricchio , Armando Isaac Nigri , Fábio de Almeida Bolognani, Alexandre dos Santos Pyrrho , Simone da Silva, Marcia Cristina Braga Nunes Varricchio


  • Sandra Ávila Gaspar
  • Felipe Freire Souza Silva
  • Elvira Alves
  • Marcos Tadeu Varricchio
  • Armando Isaac Nigri
  • Fábio de Almeida Bolognani
  • Alexandre dos Santos Pyrrho
  • Simone da Silva
  • Marcia Cristina Braga Nunes Varricchio