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Training of the pedagogical technical skills defined in the PPC of the first-degree courses of PARFOR: Formative experiences at UFMA

Dias IS;
Rocha HO;
Marinho RR

Ilzeni Silva Dias

Helianane Oliveira Rocha

Raimunda Ramos Marinho


This article brings initial reflections resulting from the research Formative Needs and Formation of Competencies in the First-Degree Courses of PARFOR/UFMA: challenges for the development of innovative pedagogical practices in public schools of Maranhão. In this study, scientific and technological innovations were taken as the axis of analysis, especially for the significant role that science and technology have had in increasing the production of material goods, in addition to the great contributions over the centuries to the development of the productive forces. In fact, this study aims to analyze the training needs and training of competencies in the first-degree courses of PARFOR / UFMA, seeking to contribute to the development of innovative pedagogical practices in public schools, as well as to the quality of basic education in the state of Maranhão. It is concluded that it is the changes in the production of material goods, in each historical moment and in each geographical space, that define and impose the new formative needs, demanding, consequently, new professional profiles.


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ilzeni Silva Dias, Helianane Oliveira Rocha, Raimunda Ramos Marinho


  • Ilzeni Silva Dias
  • Helianane Oliveira Rocha
  • Raimunda Ramos Marinho