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Evaluation of the afforestation of João Pedro Menna Barreto square, Santa Maria – RS, from the expeditious method of qualitative analysis

Iuri Goulart Teixeira

Italo Filippi Teixeira

Nirlene Fernandes Cechin



The implantation of trees in urban areas can have the beneficial effect of significantly improving the quality of life of the inhabitants, therefore it is essential to evaluate and conserve green areas. That said, the objectives of this work were to analyze the applicability of the Expedited Method of Qualitative Analysis in the conditions of the arboreal specimens of João Pedro Menna Barreto Square, located in the Bonfim neighborhood, Santa Maria - RS, and to characterize the vegetation regarding its current morphological characteristics, aiming at a future management of the arboreal specimens of this public open space. The evaluation of all tree specimens was performed using the Expedited Method of Qualitative Analysis based on 15 parameters. A total of 52 tree specimens constituting João Pedro Menna Barreto Square were evaluated, where it was found that 25 specimens were in poor condition, 15 in regular condition, 12 in good condition and no specimen in excellent condition, thus demonstrating the urgency of a management plan for this square.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Iuri Goulart Teixeira, Italo Filippi Teixeira, Nirlene Fernandes Cechin


  • Iuri Goulart Teixeira
  • Italo Filippi Teixeira
  • Nirlene Fernandes Cechin