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Use of the gamified digital platform Classcraft® as a strategy for the teaching of cell biology in higher education

Sâmela da Silva Santos

Barbara Ross Poeys Hyacinth

Pedro Henrique Santana Figueiredo

Helder Mauad

Márcia Regina Holanda da Cunha



Due to the health context experienced by the COVID-19 Pandemic, in the years 2020 and 2021, digital platforms as well as virtual learning environments, Google Meet and Google Classroom, were the main communication tools between students and the teacher. In this scenario, advances in the use of digital and multimedia tools have contributed to the construction of a range of possibilities for the teaching-learning process.

Linked to this, the use of gamified digital platforms can make a more stimulating and pleasurable task, causing greater engagement, interaction, and emotions, in addition to favoring the inclusion of technologies in the teaching-learning process. The education-focused gamified digital platform Classcraft® offers an approach that engages students by combining elements of role-playing games with the educational environment, creating an immersive and interactive experience.

Thus, this study aims to analyze the use of the gamified digital platform, Classcraft®, as a strategy for the teaching-learning process of the students of the first period in the discipline of Body, Movement and Biological Knowledge offered to the Physical Education courses of the Bachelor's and Licentiate modalities of the Federal University of Espírito Santo in the academic semester 2022/2. For data collection and analysis, three forms were applied throughout the semester with the objective of describing the profile of players of the analyzed classes, evaluating the use of the digital platform regarding usability and player experience, as well as investigating the perception of students in relation to the methodology used.

The results of the present study reveal that the use of the gamified platform Classcraft® in higher education provided a positive experience to students, stimulating their engagement, learning and reflections. However, we have identified some areas that can be improved in the use of this platform. These findings are a starting point to further improve the implementation of gamification strategies, contributing to the advancement of education in higher education.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Sâmela da Silva Santos , Barbara Ross Poeys Hyacinth , Pedro Henrique Santana Figueiredo , Helder Mauad, Márcia Regina Holanda da Cunha


  • Sâmela da Silva Santos
  • Barbara Ross Poeys Hyacinth
  • Pedro Henrique Santana Figueiredo
  • Helder Mauad
  • Márcia Regina Holanda da Cunha