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Health in the school environment: Some reflections about

Luiz Gonzaga Lapa Junior

Kênia José da Rocha

Kleine José da Rocha

Ludmila Meneses da Silva

Marinalva Maniçoba de Lira

Karinne Soares Alves da Silva

Maria Aparecida Alves Oliveira

Roberly de Oliveira Alves Machado

Elga Santos Marinho

Karine Aragão da Silva



The present work addressed theoretical bibliographic studies on the theme of health education and its interfaces in health promotion. The results showed that one of the main ways in which education professionals can promote health is through awareness and dissemination of accurate information on topics related to the subject. This can occur in interdisciplinary pedagogical projects, where students learn the importance of health in everyday life through the curricular components of mathematics, science, physical education, geography and the others. Therefore, educators can also play an active role in identifying and referring students who need additional support, watching for signs of physical or emotional health problems and working together with other professionals such as doctors, psychologists and social workers to ensure that students receive the necessary support. Based on the theoretical framework presented, we reflect on possibilities for expanding care at school. The role of educators is fundamental for the integral development of students, not only in the academic aspect, but also in the search for quality of life and the formation of healthy habits. The school is an environment where health promotion and disease prevention needs to be a mission, as it concentrates a large number of children and adolescents, who represent the future of the nation.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Luiz Gonzaga Lapa Junior, Kênia José da Rocha, Kleine José da Rocha, Ludmila Meneses da Silva, Marinalva Maniçoba de Lira, Karinne Soares Alves da Silva, Maria Aparecida Alves Oliveira, Roberly de Oliveira Alves Machado , Elga Santos Marinho , Karine Aragão da Silva


  • Luiz Gonzaga Lapa Junior
  • Kênia José da Rocha
  • Kleine José da Rocha
  • Ludmila Meneses da Silva
  • Marinalva Maniçoba de Lira
  • Karinne Soares Alves da Silva
  • Maria Aparecida Alves Oliveira
  • Roberly de Oliveira Alves Machado
  • Elga Santos Marinho
  • Karine Aragão da Silva