The study is part of an investigation in which we address interrelationships between personality and socio-cultural subsystems, starting from a general hypothesis of semi-dependence and semi-autonomy and in an attempt to reveal "patterns" of different psychological responses in their relationship with contextual conditions. It was preceded by another , whose objectives were to observe the behavioral effects against two central patterns: low ethnic status / acquired high in education and low in the occupational; higher / acquired high social status (university) and relatively low in the occupational . The hypotheses were: a) the greater the neuroticism or emotional lack of control, the greater the psychosomatic manifestations; b) Subjects of higher social extraction, but who acquire medium or low relative occupational status (status inconsistency), would make their conflicts more evident through somatization, compared to those from the lower strata (intropunitive response). The latter would project their conflict "outwards", that is, towards the structures (extropunitive response); aspect in which we stop in the study that follows. The findings, among others, showed that greater neuroticism is associated with greater somatization, corroborating findings from northern countries.
The sample of the present work was constituted by university women for two reasons: in them these "patterns" could emerge, according to the profile of status inconsistency, since they were a privileged strip of structural underemployment and, therefore, having reached the higher education level, they would suffer from a marked imbalance of status because they could not position themselves in the world of work at a corresponding level. These two different patterns of psychosocial response according to the status inconsistency profile involve: a) the combination of high ascribed status with low acquired status (occupational), which results in intropunitive responses (somatization, self-blame, stress); The reverse "pattern" – status ascribed low/acquired high (educational line) – entails, on the other hand, extroppunishment (nonconformity, rebellion). As far as we are concerned, what was glimpsed in the literature was confirmed. Both psychosocial responses are risky in Argentina, where the percentage of women who, although having a medium-low origin status, reach university but fail to insert themselves satisfactorily into the world of work in a structural framework, not always propitious, increases. The findings were corroborated in research carried out to this day.