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Nurses' performance in the face of oncological emergencies: An integrative review

Daniela Costa Salheb de Oliveira

Fausto Ferreira Lobo

Gabrielle Palheta Vieira

Mariana Souza de Lima

Paulo Monteiro dos Santos filho

Neiva José da Luz Dias Junior



Objective: to identify, in the scientific production, the role of nurses in the face of oncological emergencies. Method: Descriptive study, qualitative approach, of the Integrative Literature Review type. PubMed/Medline, LILACS, SciELO, CINAHL, Google Scholar and Web of Science were used as a database and library. For the categorization and lexical analysis of the selected data, the software IRaMuTeQ was used. Results: The formation of 5 correlated classes emerged. There was a limited amount of materials aimed at nursing care, with a small number of articles published in the last 5 years. Conclusion: The role of nurses in oncological emergencies, supported by scientific knowledge, makes a significant difference in the early detection of oncological emergencies, preventing complications and improving quality of life. The limitations of this review refer to the scarcity of current studies that address the role of nurses in oncological emergencies.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Daniela Costa Salheb de Oliveira, Fausto Ferreira Lobo, Gabrielle Palheta Vieira, Mariana Souza de Lima


  • Daniela Costa Salheb de Oliveira
  • Fausto Ferreira Lobo
  • Gabrielle Palheta Vieira
  • Mariana Souza de Lima
  • Paulo Monteiro dos Santos filho
  • Neiva José da Luz Dias Junior