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Higher education and professional and technological education in Brazil

Sylvia Cristina de Azevedo Vitti



This article presents an overview of the expansion of higher education in Brazil, the right to education with the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the social rights guaranteed by it. The importance of the LDB/1996 for the reformulation and expansion of education in the country, including higher education and Professional and Technological Education (EPT) in the Brazilian scenario, is highlighted, instituting the Higher Technology Courses (CSTs) and their guiding principles, the verticalization and revitalization of Professional Education. The LDB/1996 is contextualized in the political-economic scenario of the 90s, in the context of the reform of the State and under the influence of international financial organizations. We sought to clarify how the LDB incorporated recommendations from these organizations, which had repercussions on the restructuring of Brazilian higher education and resulted in the expansion of higher education institutions, emphasizing their privatization, diversification and flexibility. It presents an overview of the origin and development of Professional Education in Brazil and the various reforms carried out in education. CSTs are presented in the context of higher education in its revitalization process. The history and development of EPT in the state of São Paulo, the creation of the Paula Souza State Center for Technological Education (CEETEPS), the Faculties of Technology and their CSTs are presented.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Sylvia Cristina de Azevedo Vitti


  • Sylvia Cristina de Azevedo Vitti