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Pedagogical intervention strategies: Reading as a starting point for literacy

Dayane Felix Souza

Adriana Romão

Eslaine Cardoso de Lima

Karoline Schaedler

Marli Rodrigues de Almeida

Marta Santana de Pinho Scardua



The present work presents the experience report of the intervention project involving reading in classes of 2nd years of elementary school in the State School "Serra Azul" in the municipality of Diamantino - MT in the year 2019. For the execution of the project was thought in differentiated methodologies and strategies that were to meet the educational needs of the children in the respective classes. The goal is that the child can develop a taste for the practice of reading and consequently improve their perception in the process of literacy. As a result of the intervention project it was possible to observe greater interest and participation in class and extra-class activities, as well as better fluency of students who already mastered reading and evolution in the understanding of the alphabetic system in children who are being literate.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Dayane Felix Souza, Adriana Romão, Eslaine Cardoso de Lima, Karoline Schaedler, Marli Rodrigues de Almeida, Marta Santana de Pinho Scardua


  • Dayane Felix Souza
  • Adriana Romão
  • Eslaine Cardoso de Lima
  • Karoline Schaedler
  • Marli Rodrigues de Almeida
  • Marta Santana de Pinho Scardua