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Analysis of the economic viability of concessions and public-private partnerships as an efficiency mechanism

Marina Witter Puss



Faced with the need for improvements in infrastructure and in the realization of the rights guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, governments need to seek agreements with the private sector, aiming to implement contracts with economic, financial, environmental and social benefits in favor of the development of society. In this wake, common and special concession contracts emerge - administrative concession and sponsored concession, instruments used to establish the link with the private entity without the need to privatize the sector, but only to grant the exploitation of service or execution of public works. It is intended to analyze the economic and financial viability, and possible social and environmental impacts of these partnerships, as well as to exemplify current contracts in this sense through the bibliographic review and research and consultations with renowned authors.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Marina Witter Puss