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Geometric transformations: Actions and applications in the final grades of elementary school

Jones Ueder Casarin

Valéria de Fátima Maciel Cardoso Brum

Karine Faverzani Magnago



The present study deals with the mathematical content of geometric transformations, bringing as a problem the fact that it is little explored, often due to the gaps in the knowledge of the teacher in relation to this theme. Given this, the main objective is to seek in historical facts the importance of this content, as well as to observe in the Brazilian curricular guidelines its prominence and its paths to be taken in the teaching of this curricular component. In addition to bibliographic research, activities with digital technologies will also be applied to work on the main isometries, such as rotation, translation and reflection, in order to contemplate the skills required by the current National Common Curricular Base (BNCC).


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Jones Ueder Casarin , Valéria de Fátima Maciel Cardoso Brum , Karine Faverzani Magnago


  • Jones Ueder Casarin
  • Valéria de Fátima Maciel Cardoso Brum
  • Karine Faverzani Magnago