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Self-perception of dizziness and the relationship with the easing of COVID-19 social distancing rules, immunization and vitamin supplementation

Priscila Feliciano de Oliveira

Meline dos Santos Lima

Emanuelle de Jesus Santos

Tamara Figueiredo do Carmo Santos

Aline Cabral

Oscar Felipe Falcão Raposo



Objective: To analyze the behavior of people with dizziness when faced with the easing of the COVID-19 social distancing rules, immunization and use of vitamin supplementation. Method: A self-perception questionnaire was applied in electronic format, during the period of easing of the COVID-19 social distancing rules, with 19 closed questions. The following aspects were addressed: identification, general health (COVID-19, influenza, immunization and comorbidities), time of onset of dizziness, means of protection against COVID-19, vitamin supplementation, homemade recipes and use of teas. Results: 667 Brazilians were interviewed, all eligible to participate in the research. Of these, 261 (39.1%) self-reported the presence of dizziness, with a mean age of 37.91 years, with a prevalence of females. The use of masks and hand hygiene were protective measures that continued to be adopted during the easing of the COVID-19 social distancing rules, with 89.2% reporting, even after having been immunized, that they were afraid of contracting SARS COV -two. It was observed that 11.1% triggered dizziness after a positive test for COVID-19; in addition, 32.2% consulted a nutritionist to start the supplementation process (p=0.005), 65.1% used vitamin supplements (p=0.001) and 19.8% reported having used homemade recipes such as Espinheira Santa Tea and Chamomile, Ginko Biloba in order to minimize dizziness. Conclusion: Participants with dizziness were diagnosed with a vestibular disorder by a specialist, since there was a positive relationship with dizziness in the post-COVID-19 period. In order to reduce vestibular symptoms, the interviewees consulted a nutritionist to start vitamin supplementation and used vitamin complexes from A to Z, among others such as zinc, vitamin B12 and homemade teas. Even after the COVID-19 immunization, the participants continued to follow the guidelines for hand hygiene and the use of protective masks.


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Priscila Feliciano de Oliveira, Meline dos Santos Lima, Emanuelle de Jesus Santos, Tamara Figueiredo do Carmo Santos, Aline Cabral, Oscar Felipe Falcão Raposo


  • Priscila Feliciano de Oliveira
  • Meline dos Santos Lima
  • Emanuelle de Jesus Santos
  • Tamara Figueiredo do Carmo Santos
  • Aline Cabral
  • Oscar Felipe Falcão Raposo