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Social inequality and education in pandemic times

Francisca Maria Ramos Silva

Amanda Gomes Pereira



The present work aims to show the dynamics of reproduction of social inequality within the educational system, highlighting the power relations intertwined in this scenario, especially in times of difficulties during the pandemic period, which led to an increase in social inequalities and conservation of the class dominant. Based on a survey carried out in two municipal public schools in São Bernardo-MA, one located in the rural area and the other in the urban area, which began in June 2021 until March 2022. Are developed by the school and that have an impact on combating the reproduction of social inequality, pointing out the difficulties faced by lower-class students during the pandemic in both rural and urban areas. The purpose is to describe and understand the impacts of the pandemic on access to education by students living in rural areas and students living in urban areas. In this way, we will look into and try to understand how this whole process is going, showing how teachers are dealing with this scenario of social inequality that was even more evident in this period of the pandemic and how students reacted to this new teaching modality. In this period of the research, it was possible to verify the difficulties of the teachers in handling the technological devices and in the process of evaluating the students. As for the students, the difficulties of accessing good quality internet and access to technological devices.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Francisca Maria Ramos Silva, Amanda Gomes Pereira


  • Francisca Maria Ramos Silva
  • Amanda Gomes Pereira