For years, the learning of Natural Sciences has been questioned, with experiments being considered as an excellent tool for students to establish the inseparable relationship between theory and practice. And aiming to increase the learning of Brazilian students, observing the low educational levels achieved in recent decades, the federal government proposes changing secondary education. Starting in 2022, in this new model, basic education is aligned with “Itinerários Formativos” to meet the principles of human training integrated with youth protagonism. A “maker” culture is suggested, based on robotics, 3D printing, laser cutting machines, smartphones and Arduinos in the creation processes of these students, but the reality of Brazilian public schools is far from this conception. And that's why this work aims to disseminate a practical project carried out in a public school in the state of Rio de Janeiro based on a culture of Do It Yourself (DIY). Showing that the maker movement is indeed favored by technological advances, but the maker proposal is the student's protagonism, not being necessary, to remain, in this first year of implementation, only dependent on such advanced technologies.
DOI:https://doi.org/ 10.56238/devopinterscie-215