International Seven Journal of Health Research

e-ISSN: 2764-9415


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Laparoscopy for IUD removal in the abdominal cavity: A case report

Pareja HBJ;
Canedo EA;
Cajango DP;
Dias GS;
Nascimento I;
Galli PHM

Helen Brambila Jorge Pareja

Eduardo Alves Canedo

Daniela Portela Cajango

Giovana Simões Dias

Isadora Nascimento

Pedro Henrique Machado Galli


Intrauterine device


Introduction: The intrauterine device (IUD) is the most widely used reversible female contraceptive method in the world today. Among the most common complications include, for example, gynecological infections, uterine bleeding, dyspareunia. A rare and serious complication is IUD migration or uterine perforation. The main risk factors for IUD migration suggested are insertion by an inexperienced operator, extremely ante- or retroverted uteruses, insertion in the immediate postpartum period, or breastfeeding. Regarding treatment, laparoscopy offers a safe and easy surgical procedure to locate and remove the IUD. Objective: To demonstrate the importance of follow-up examinations after IUD implantation in order to avoid future complications. Methods: From a medical case that occurred at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Presidente Prudente, and its medical records, information was collected to carry out this report. Results: The IUD is considered a practical, low-cost, and long-acting method of contraception. However, when rare complications occur, the surgical method is the best option for resolution, and videolaparoscopy is used, as reported in the literature. It is important to carry out tests to monitor the patient after IUD implantation, thus avoiding future complications. Conclusion: Uterine perforation and IUD migration to another region outside the uterine cavity occur most commonly during device insertion. It would be possible to have a fast and effective treatment, performed through laparoscopy, both in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients, such a method has advantages such as less pain and better recovery time.


  • Helen Brambila Jorge Pareja
  • Eduardo Alves Canedo
  • Daniela Portela Cajango
  • Giovana Simões Dias
  • Isadora Nascimento
  • Pedro Henrique Machado Galli