Extracorporeal circulation in the elderly: Anesthesia in patients undergoing myocardial revascularization in the intensive care unit (ICU)


  • Valesca Paes Albuquerque Vieira
  • Aurilene Josefa Cartaxo de Arruda Cavalcanti
  • Maurício Caxias de Souza
  • Victor Manoel Pereira da Silva
  • Antonio Romario Mendes da Silva
  • Victor Emmanuell Fernandes Apolonio
  • Stéfanny Maia Chaves
  • Renata Késia de Andrade Bezerra Praciano Coimbra
  • Ivanise Freitas da Silva
  • Stefani Carvalho dos Santos
  • Fabiana Neves
  • Daniel Costa Cavalcante Aragão
  • Ciro Gadelha Queiroga
  • Glauber Gean de Vasconcelos
  • Carla Suellen Pires de Sousa
  • Glória Yanne Martins de Oliveira
  • Andreia Ferreira Soares
  • Bárbara Regina Britto de Oliveira Vieira
  • Manoela Mirella da Silva Vieira
  • Edina Silva Costa
  • Wendel Picanço Gomes
  • Maria Renata de Oliveira Aragão
  • Natália Vieira da Silva
  • Gleyson Juliano Aragão Alves
  • Francisco Andrade Dias Júnior
  • Dionísia Ericy Menezes Teixeira
  • Benedito Cesar Lima
  • Rafael Costa Lima Maia
  • Maíra Lima Romero Aragão
  • Barbara Lais Teixeira Figueiredo
  • Amanda Lopes de Castro
  • Inácio Borges Ferreira
  • Manuela Pessoa Cruz
  • Raimunda Selma Antero Sousa Onofre
  • Luiz Henrique Bonifacio de Farias
  • Verilanda Sousa Lima
  • Teresa Kariny Pontes Barroso
  • Jevanildo Paulino Aguiar
  • Wiliane Resende Sousa
  • Márcia Silva Veiga
  • Maria de Jesus Domingos Viana
  • Carla Lorenna Ferreira de Albuquerque
  • Vanessa Ferreira da Cruz
  • Tatiana Maciel Silvestre
  • Marcela de Paula Cavalcante
  • Mikaele Silva Teodoro




Extracorporeal Circulation, Elderly, Anesthesia, Cardiology, I.C.U


To describe cardiopulmonary bypass in the elderly under anesthesia of patients undergoing myocardial revascularization in the Intensive Care Unit. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) can alter plasma concentrations of drugs used during anesthesia for cardiac surgery and cause effects on the central nervous system, leading patients to a greater degree of sedation, which alters the time of patient awakening. Method: This is a descriptive-qualitative-exploratory study, of a comprehensive nature, of the systematic type. Results: The three groups were compared in terms of weight, height, age and body mass index (BMI). Regarding intubation time and wake-up time, it was observed that the CPB group had higher values ​​for these variables, with a significant difference. Conclusion: The short duration of action of propofol of approximately 6 to 9 minutes can be explained by the high clearance and rapid distribution of the drug. Propofol concentration at the site of action also increases rapidly due to the rapid equilibrium between plasma and brain concentrations (< 4 minutes).

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How to Cite

Vieira, V. P. A., Cavalcanti, A. J. C. de A., de Souza, M. C., da Silva, V. M. P., da Silva, A. R. M., Apolonio, V. E. F., Chaves, S. M., Coimbra, R. K. de A. B. P., da Silva, I. F., dos Santos, S. C., Neves, F., Aragão, D. C. C., Queiroga, C. G., de Vasconcelos, G. G., de Sousa, C. S. P., de Oliveira, G. Y. M., Soares, A. F., Vieira, B. R. B. de O., Vieira, M. M. da S., Costa, E. S., Gomes, W. P., Aragão, M. R. de O., da Silva, N. V., Alves, G. J. A., Dias Júnior, F. A., Teixeira, D. E. M., Lima, B. C., Maia, R. C. L., Aragão, M. L. R., Figueiredo, B. L. T., de Castro, A. L., Ferreira, I. B., Cruz, M. P., Onofre, R. S. A. S., de Farias, L. H. B., Lima, V. S., Barroso, T. K. P., Aguiar, J. P., Sousa, W. R., Veiga, M. S., Viana, M. de J. D., de Albuquerque, C. L. F., da Cruz, V. F., Silvestre, T. M., Cavalcante, M. de P., & Silva Teodoro, M. (2023). Extracorporeal circulation in the elderly: Anesthesia in patients undergoing myocardial revascularization in the intensive care unit (ICU). International Seven Journal of Health Research, 2(1), 2–9. https://doi.org/10.56238/isevjhv2n1-001