International Seven Journal of Health Research

e-ISSN: 2764-9415


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Monitoring prenatal care performed by nurses in primary care

Maria Silva Alves E

Erica Maria Silva Alves


basic care.
atenção básica.


The professional nurse has been showing in the assistance within primary care the guidelines passed during the consultation performed in the care of pregnancy in the humanized context through scientific knowledge and technical resources. The objective was to describe the importance of nursing in prenatal care performed in primary care, which has been bringing to society with emphasis on assistance and reporting the information provided during the consultation performed in prenatal care during pregnancy. The methodology used in the research was an integrative literature review of articles available in the Scielo, Lilacs, Pubmed databases published from 2016 to 2021. The results obtained in the research were divided into three categories according to the similarity where prenatal care in primary care is intended to ensure the puerperal rights from the moment of conception of the fetus until delivery being accompanied by multiprofessional health team, the contribution of prenatal care aims to cover the care of pregnant women seeking the satisfaction of these women in primary care, the guidelines passed on to pregnant women is of utmost importance for the care throughout pregnancy. It was found that in the literature according to the articles researched on prenatal care is evaluated through the use of various prenatal care during monitoring in primary care and the challenge of achieving and maintaining a satisfactory level of quality provided during the assistance to women in pregnancy of ensuring a necessary experience of welfare established by the multidisciplinary team professionals in this process maintains the efficiency of care provided to these pregnant women.


DOI: 10.56238/isevjhv1n1-001