This paper is dedicated to thinking about the relationship of Psychology as a collaborating agent and facilitator during the reception of patients with suicide attempt. Given its multidimensional perspective, it is necessary to understand the welcoming process by psychologists through contact psychotherapy, i.e., Gestalt-therapy, to clients who present this demand, with the purpose of restoring and expanding this contact, the client's awareness, in order to promote the expansion of his awareness, under the light of Gestalt-therapy, providing an effective empathic and welcoming emotional support. For the elaboration of this study, we used an integrative literature review, from the last five years, in scientific articles related to the theme, collected in the database ofthe platforms Pepsic (Periódicos Eletrônicos em Psicologia), Scielo (Scientific Eletronic Library Online) and Google Acadêmico. Hence the importance of adopting mechanisms that offer support to strengthen the customer contact cycle, so that there are no blockages, interruptions, or even discontinuation of this cycle.