The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, unprecedented public health crisis, emerging at the human-animal interface, obliges us to bear in mind that the uncertainty is part of the emergency. We are challenged to quickly confirm available knowledge and respond in the best way despite the unknown. The increase in national capacity consists of strengthening policies, plans, qualified professionals, platforms, and processes, including the government, non-governmental organizations, civil society, journalists, and other national and international partners. This capacity is the key to preparation for effective risk communication in public health emergencies. Response planners in public health emergencies should have experience in risk assessment and the ability to coordinate a national committee of health leaders to determine how changes in risk levels will be addressed in real time, when to change the way and whether resources are available to deal with the requirements of the "new route". This process includes communication to the entire population. The work together with the scientific community and policy makers is not always easy to achieve, so the scientific community needs to be able to reach a consensus on information and what aspects of uncertainty to communicate to policy makers.