This article discusses the definition and measurement of organizational culture and its impact on organizational performance by reviewing existing empirical research and the link between models and organizational culture and performance. This work aims to analyze the degree of influence of the organizational culture and make recommendations for improvements applicable to the public and private sectors to increase the efficiency of the services provided and the organization in its clients or the community. An analysis of a large body of literature found that organizational culture has a deep impact on the diversity of organizational processes and their performance. It also describes different dimensions of culture. Research shows that if employees are engaged and share the same norms and values as the organization, they can improve performance to achieve the organization's overall goals, at the same time, the company must understand and grasp the complementary relationship between strategic management and organizational culture can help improve quality and overall competitiveness, promote access to quality, sustained and healthy development.
DOI: 10.56238/pacfdnsv1-083