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Experimental analysis of the compressive strength of concrete by replacing cement with microsilica

Luiza Ignez Mollica Marotta

Leonardo Donizete Bícego Geremias

Clayton Reis de Oliveira

Gustavo Soares Santos

Fabiano Martins Cunha



Currently, in Brazil, concrete is the most important element used as a structural material in every branch of civil construction, which has revolutionized the history of humanity in quality of life and development, with its most important physical index being compressive strength. Therefore, new techniques to improve this property have emerged, among them is microsilica, which can be used as an addition to concrete or as a substitute for cement in concrete. In this article, an analysis of the compressive strength of the replacement of microsilica in concrete was carried out, with the amounts of 0%, 5% and 10%, and consequently subtracted this same percentage of cement. With these materials, Slump Test tests were carried out, which showed a decrease in slump as the replacement of cement by microsilica was increased, and compressive strength tests, where an increase of about 13% of this strength was observed. 



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Luiza Ignez Mollica Marotta, Leonardo Donizete Bícego Geremias , Clayton Reis de Oliveira, Gustavo Soares Santos, Fabiano Martins Cunha


  • Luiza Ignez Mollica Marotta
  • Leonardo Donizete Bícego Geremias
  • Clayton Reis de Oliveira
  • Gustavo Soares Santos
  • Fabiano Martins Cunha