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The relevance of the development of work in high schools about mental health care, training students and educators to identify and deal with emotions

Oliveira JA;
Dodo W;
Almeida AHC;
Lima C;
Diniz C;
Cruz MAV;
Silva MMR;
Silva MLN;
Aguiar MC;
Sousa RS;
Neiva DA

Julyanna Arruda de Oliveira

Walisson Dodo

Amanda Hannah Cunha Almeida

Cristina Lima

Caroline Diniz

Maria Aurineide Vasconcelos da Cruz

Márcia Milena Ribeiro da Silva

Maria Lavinia do Nascimento Silva

Marina Cavalcante Aguiar

Rafaele Silva de Sousa

Denise Alves de Neiva


Mental Health
High School Students


The objective of this text is to present the results of a field research that is part of the discipline  of Interdisciplinary Practical Activities of Extension I, as a requirement to obtain approval at the end of the 2023.2 semester. The research focused on mental health in high school students, focusing on emotions. In the methodology, we conducted a field research, focusing on a qualitative analysis of the data in which we observed the daily life of students from a high school through a field diary and semi-structured interviews. To support our study theoretically and methodologically, we used the contributions of (DORSA, 2020), (SILVA; ALBUQUERQUE, 2021), TEIXEIRA; PACÍFICO; BARROS, 2023), (GUAZI, 2021), (FREITAS; SANTOS; PRADO, 2020), (PESSOA; CRUSOÉ, 2022), (BRITO ET AL, 2021), (PAPALIA; FELDMAN; MARTORELL, 2012), (BOCK, 2008), as well as normative documents of Brazilian education. The study revealed that most students: 1) face difficulties in understanding their emotions; and 2) they face difficulties in administering them in a balanced and healthy manner. In addition, the research allowed us to conclude that there is still a need to strengthen ties between family and school, there is a lack of training and qualification for teachers on the subject and that schools need a more frequent presence of psychologists in the day-to-day routine of institutions.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Julyanna Arruda de Oliveira , Walisson Dodo , Amanda Hannah Cunha Almeida , Cristina Lima , Caroline Diniz , Maria Aurineide Vasconcelos da Cruz , Márcia Milena Ribeiro da Silva , Maria Lavinia do Nascimento Silva , Marina Cavalcante Aguiar , Rafaele Silva de Sousa , Denise Alves de Neiva


  • Julyanna Arruda de Oliveira
  • Walisson Dodo
  • Amanda Hannah Cunha Almeida
  • Cristina Lima
  • Caroline Diniz
  • Maria Aurineide Vasconcelos da Cruz
  • Márcia Milena Ribeiro da Silva
  • Maria Lavinia do Nascimento Silva
  • Marina Cavalcante Aguiar
  • Rafaele Silva de Sousa
  • Denise Alves de Neiva