Seven Editora


  • Seven Publicações Ltda CNPJ: 43.789.355/0001-14 Rua: Travessa Aristides Moleta, 290- São José dos Pinhais/PR CEP: 83045-090
  • Principal Contact
  • Nathan Albano Valente
  • (41) 9 8836-2677
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Search Parameters

Contributions to the planning study for the implementation of a 5G access network in a dense urban area in Natal

da Luz Andrade Silva J;
Sizenando Rossiter Pinheiro F;
Soares da Silva G;
A. De Sousa Jr. V.

SUS delivery network

Guimarães MEB;
Ferreira LAV;
Bento GM;
Bertoloni VF;
et al.
| 349-355

SUS birth network

Guimarães MEB;
Ferreira LAV;
Bento GM;
Bertoloni VF.

Studies and Solutions for Provision of an FTTH Network Infrastructure in a Multicondominial Residential Area

Rafael de Almeida F;
Soares da Silva G;
Sizenando Rossiter Pinheiro F;
Pedro Fernandes Neto A.

Childhood and the right to happiness: Legal scope and the support network in Arapiraca

Bezerra MC;
de Melo LM;
da Silva L;
Neto JGD;
et al.
| 254-279

Urgent and emergency care network

Nascimento DJS;
Carvalho MAP;
Moura SG;
Negreiros RV.

Sex tourism in Rosana (SP) and the two circuits of the urban economy

Pimentel JMV;
Farias JPB;
Buscioli RR;
Denkewicz P.

The access of adolescents deprived of liberty in the SUS network

Oliveira WHC;
Barreto SSL;
Bragio J.
| 348-362

The surgeon-dentist's view on the "Little Tongue Test" in Primary Care: a scoping review

Vieira de Melo Bezerra M;
Oliveira Bizerril D;
Alves dos Santos G;
Lima Maia E;
et al.

The challenges of local development for network territories in the southeast of the State of Pará – Brazil

Alves do Nascimento A;
do Socorro Almeida Flores M;
Quaresma Maneschy R;
Fernando Paes de Queiroz L.