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Child labor in Latin America: The reality of child exploitation in the açaí harvest in northern Brazil

Glenda Lima dos Santos

Iana Lorena Pinto Batista

Júlia de Araújo Lopes

Tatyane de Araújo Campos



This article analyzes child labor in Latin America, aiming at the açaí harvest as a cultural expression of the population of northern Brazil. Acknowledging that climbing the açaí tree is classified as one of the worst forms of child labor, triggers a conflict between cultural representation and prohibited work, for which a solution of intercultural dialogue, programs that include the population and the need for national action to combat child labor are proposed.



Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Glenda Lima dos Santos, Iana Lorena Pinto Batista, Júlia de Araújo Lopes , Tatyane de Araújo Campos


  • Glenda Lima dos Santos
  • Iana Lorena Pinto Batista
  • Júlia de Araújo Lopes
  • Tatyane de Araújo Campos