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Science teaching, pedagogical principles of rural education and fishing community as conceptual categories: A brief state of the art

Larissa Hayannyelly Costa Batista

Gilvaneide Ferreira de Oliveira



In order to know from the most holistic perspective possible the field in which it is intended to delineate research, it is important that a brief exploration of the conceptual categories targeted is first developed. In this sense, this article is a bibliographic study and aims to understand which and how the conceptual categories contained in national works connect with Science Teaching. Thus, the first part of the study reflects the link between the conceptual categories Science Teaching and pedagogical principles present in Rural Education as Contextualization and Interdisciplinarity. The second part of the study will relate Science Teaching and the Fishing Community. The study is composed of 73 national works and was carried out from the Google Scholar platform because it necessarily contemplates various types of research. It was possible to visualize that exploratory research that crosses conceptual categories in order to observe similarities and disparities contained in the works, whether in methods, objectives, or discussions, is extremely important for a better visualization of the study area, consequently contributing to the construction of a work that knows and recognizes the discussions directly or indirectly related to research.


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Larissa Hayannyelly Costa Batista , Gilvaneide Ferreira de Oliveira


  • Larissa Hayannyelly Costa Batista
  • Gilvaneide Ferreira de Oliveira