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Representations of non-teaching workers in daily school life

Diogo Lopes da Silva



This text articulates the results of investigations on the representations of non-teaching workers in the relationships established with other agents in the school environment.  The object and subjects of this study are workers who do not work directly in the pedagogical field at school, but who support it. This is research of ethnographic inspiration, added to the qualitative instrument of the interview that helps in the reading of the social figurations of the school community (N. Elias) in the light of the theory of Social Representations (S.  Moscovici) and the concepts of Working Class and Relational Work, as found in Ricardo Antunes and Tardif and Lessard respectively.  It is considered here the dynamics of the relations and the perceptions about the conditions for the execution of the work, the structure of organization of the school space as a workplace and legal documentation that names, regulates and prescribes the actions in this space. 



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Copyright (c) 2023 Diogo Lopes da Silva