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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • International Seven Multidisciplinary Journal has a publication fee of R$320.00 (two hundred and sixty reais) or USD 64 (American dollars).
  • And the page limit of 35- the modality and textual structure should be consulted for more specific information.
  • Accepts articles in the following languages: PORTUGUESE, ENGLISH and SPANISH, the others should be previously consulted. Furthermore, all articles will be published in two versions, one of which must be in English and the second in the language submitted. However, finally, if the first version submitted is already in English, the second one will be in Spanish.

Author Guidelines


ISMJ accepts the following modalities of works: perspectives, debates, reviews, essays, methodological issues, articles, papers, letters, reviews, short communications and abstracts. Texts should follow the structure recommended in the Authors' Booklet, with emphasis on methodology: IMRD- Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion (Text Structure).


The journal follows good publishing practices as well as other regulations for checking submitted papers.



Authors are responsible for the information provided, from work to results and contributions proposed in their manuscripts.



If the publishers are informed of plagiarism, or any authorship defect, the publisher will not be responsible for the information provided. Therefore, the work will be suspended on the site, on suspicion, until the necessary clarifications are provided.

Shipping guidelines

Unpublished and original papers will be accepted, but they cannot be under evaluation in another journal. There is still no fee for submissions and evaluation. We emphasize that proper references and bibliography must be provided. Finally, the submission can be done through the site or e-mail.

Conflict of interest

In case of any conflict of interest, be it political, financial, associated with patents, as well as property, among others. These must be informed, by the authors, in a mandatory manner.


All submissions must contain the authors' full names, highest academic degree, ORCID or LATTES registration number and e-mail. We emphasize that each paper may have up to 10 authors.


All manuscripts submitted to ISMJ will be evaluated by the Double Blind Review method, ensuring isonomy. Furthermore, the reviewers are mostly external ad hoc reviewersselected for this purpose. The evaluation will also be by specialty, or thematic affinity of the manuscript under evaluation.  Finally, most of the reviewers are not linked to the publisher, in addition to being from different locations and nationalities.


On average the analysis of the manuscripts takes 35 (thirty-five) days, and the publication time is on average 20 (twenty) days.


The references and foundations must be properly described, and it is the author's responsibility to itemize them.



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Privacy Statement

Copyright Policies

The submission of originals to the International Seven Multidisciplinary Journal (ISMJ)- of Public Policy and Social Development of Processus College implies the transfer, by the authors, of the publication rights. The copyright for articles published in this journal belongs to the author, with the journal's rights over the first publication. Authors may only use the same results in other publications clearly indicating International Seven Multidisciplinary Journal (ISMJ)- as the medium of the original publication. 


Creative Commons License


Except where otherwise noted, the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license apply to material published in this journal, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original publication is properly cited.

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